reviewsFaster loading speeds!

At RevFee, we’re dedicated to constantly improving our users’ experience with our website. We believe in making leaving reviews as quick and painless as possible. We’re proud to say that we have improved the loading speed of our website by 33%! The loading speeds of a website are important; a fast website helps to instil trust in a company. When it comes to leaving reviews, the loading speed of the website can make all the difference: by speeding up the loading speeds of the site, we are ensuring that your customers are more likely to leave reviews and therefore generate you more business! Everyone’s a winner!

Lower Package Prices!

In addition to improving the speeds of our website, we’ve also changed the prices of our monthly packages! A month’s subscription to RevFee will now cost you just $24.99. Given how much business customer reviews generate for companies, this price offers you an incredible return on investment!
For more information about RevFee, or any of our packages, don’t hesitate to get in touch today!