Google My Business (GMB) is one of the easiest ways to improve the appearance of your site in search results. Unfortunately, lots of businesses fail to utilise it to its full potential. Let’s discuss why it’s worth taking the time to make your GMB listing as useful as possible.

Google My Business profile for RevFeeWhat is Google My Business?

Google My Business, in a nutshell, is a local business listing service. It’s a free tool provided by Google. Allowing business owners to set up a brief profile that displays their name, address, phone number, business hours and website link. This profile is displayed when people make relevant searches. 

Why should I create a Google My Business page?

I only have a small business, is a GMB page really necessary? Yes, Google My Business is for everyone. Whether your business is big or small it could definitely benefit from a GMB listing and here’s why:

Better presence in search results

Google My Business listings are displayed above the standard search results. This, of course, means the businesses shown there have a much greater presence and therefore get more attention.

Visibility in local searchgoogle search results for cafe southampton

GMB is all about local search this can include, searches made near your business and searches made outside the area with the location added. For example, if a person is in Southampton, they may just search “cafe”, but if they’re heading for Southampton later, they’ll search “cafe Southampton”.
Statistically, 46% of all Google searches are local. Ergo, the importance of visibility in local searches can’t be underestimated. So, if you want your business to rank in local search results, Google My Business is the key.

Mobile visibility

Did you know, mobile search now accounts for the majority of searches in almost every industry? So, mobile visibility is more important than ever and GMB is key to that. GMB listings dominate mobile search results, to extent that it’s almost impossible to avoid them on many local searches.


Web users are used to seeing these listings and it can lend some credibility to your business. Listings look professional and provide important information that helps people decide whether or not your business is credible, reviews for instance. Reviews are incredibly important for your business. In fact, a study in 2014 found that 88% of consumers now trust online reviews. The same study also found that 72% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more. Therefore, the importance of a good star rating on your business’s profile really can’t be understated. To learn more about what reviews can do for your business click here.

Insights into customer behaviour

Google provides some useful data around your listings which can be very helpful. For example, you can see how people found your listing. Whether it was through a web search or maps. You can also see information on the actions taken after viewing the listing. By understanding how your customers find you it can help you provide the information they’re looking for.
Google My Business insights

It’s FREE and easy to set up!

A Google My Business listing has so many potential benefits! Even a relatively basic listing can improve your search presence so it really is worth setting one up!

Got some questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!